Zambia Telephone Directory

Trace Zambia Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 111 Zambia Businesses on Pincode 00000. Zambia has a population of 17,609,178 and there are thousands of businesses in Zambia whose numbers are available for Zambia Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Zambia Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 111 businesses number on pincode 00000 in Zambia.

Cell Number Business Name
260977755720 Kanyemba Lodge and Kanyemba Island Bushcamp
260212227440 Izwe Kitwe
260974636104 Golden Angels School
260211258184 Three Cities Mushroom Lodge & Presidential House
260955450812 Roma Park
260211846355 PEP Zambia Ndola 3
260212650123 Cashbuild
260977755720 Kanyemba Lodge and Kanyemba Island Bushcamp
260213327455 Waterberry Zambezi Lodge & The River Farmhouse
260211287386 PEP Zambia Chinsali
27114384500 Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma
260211372710 Regus - Lusaka, Arcades
260211846355 PEP Zambia Lusaka Cosmopolitan Mall
265993504600 Luangwa River Camp - Robin Pope Safaris
260211846355 PEP Zambia Itezhi-Tezhi
260211846355 PEP Zambia Lusaka Lumumba Road
260760010936 Roman's Pizza Munali Mall
27114384500 Sanctuary Chichele Presidential Lodge
260962313683 Roman's Pizza Intercity
260976038623 Villa evesa executive lodge
260979032005 Uniturtle Industries Ltd.Kabompo
260978869126 Eagle's Rest Resort
260977382422 Serenje College Of Nursing And Midwifery
260964370473 geotecnicks limited
Cell Number Business Name
260977346396 Mogra Family Enterprise
260966711240 PVK milling company Limited
265993504600 Luangwa River Camp - Robin Pope Safaris
260962563316 DIME's trade
260972921481 NK's Mini Matebeto/Restaurant
260973521589 Zed Hits Promos
260211372710 Regus - Lusaka, Arcades
+260 97 8869126 Eagle's Rest Resort
+260 211 372 710 Regus - Lusaka, Arcades
+260 76 0010936 Roman's Pizza Munali Mall
+260 97 7755720 Kanyemba Lodge and Kanyemba Island Bushcamp
+260 97 2921481 NK's Mini Matebeto/Restaurant
+260 96 2313722 Roman's Pizza Kabulonga
+260 96 6429425 Zambian College of Open Learnig (ZAMCOL)
+260 97 7292830 KECHPRO
+260 97 7382422 Serenje College Of Nursing And Midwifery
+260 212 227 440 Izwe Kitwe
+265 993 50 46 00 Luangwa River Camp - Robin Pope Safaris
+260 97 6544126 Mobile Money Chipego
+27 11 438 4500 Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma
+260 213 327 455 Waterberry Zambezi Lodge & The River Farmhouse
+260 95 0814129 Strellson Limited
+260 97 8869126 Eagle's Rest Resort
+260 76 0536030 jayvin records



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Zambia like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Zambia Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 0.2468